>> Tuesday, June 8, 2010
this is my patriotic section in my rock garden, my husband loved rocks and these were favorites of his.
this is my patriotic section in my rock garden, my husband loved rocks and these were favorites of his.
On our way to vote in the primaries, we stopped at the beach (????) - yes, we are that random. And I brought a little non-sand-growing flower with me that I bought from Hy-Vee and that is orange (imagine that) for a little first-time-on-the-beach photoshoot with my Darling Girl. She ate sand and hated it, she accidently (my fault) rolled down a sandy dune and waded with Mama for the first time in the shores of Iowa waters that we call "the beach." It was a splendid, happy time indeed! ♥
I am way behind but wanted to post some pics. We had a fun little getaway to Kansas City over Memorial weekend. Found some fun things to take pics of! (So I couldn't decide on just one :) Kate Metheny
We went to a friends house today and played with play-doh. I got kind of creative!
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