>> Saturday, June 26, 2010
It has been so soggy out with all the rain, that the boys have been playing outside in their boots instead of their sandals this summer.
It has been so soggy out with all the rain, that the boys have been playing outside in their boots instead of their sandals this summer.
I helped my cousin move into her new house the other day and these were the decorations in her boy's new room...not for long though. They got taken down pretty quickly! I use to have a stuffed carebear when I was little. It is the one with the sunshine on it. I had to get a brought back memories.
As you can tell reptiles are a favorite in our house. Daddy brought two of these home for the boys to see. They "played" with them for about a half hour before I made them let them go.
This is my friend Melissa and her daughter. Loved this pic of them as Melissa was reading to her.
My mom has the most awesome green thumb. She has had this plant for several years, takes it to the basement faithfully each winter, out in spring and VOILA a beautiful bloom!
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