. day 90 .

>> Monday, August 16, 2010

. ry and reed climbing the rocks at the coralville reservoir .
. so, today is day 90 for me . i know many of us started on different days so not everyone is finished . i have some catching up to do with editing and blogging, but i have taken the photos most every day . that's the main thing ! i hope to blog the rest of the photos by the end of the week .

. i'd like a little feedback from anyone who has participated, is still participating or even just checking this blog . was this fun for you guys ? too long ? did it cause you to look for things you wouldn't normally see ? what are you going to do with the photos you've taken ? are you wanting to do another project ? any suggestions on how we can make this project blog more fun ?

. i realize that's a lot of questions, but i thought it'd be great to hear from you and see what you think .

. in the next few days let's all try to catch up (if you have any catching up to do) and then we'll try to formulate a new plan, if there is going to be one .

. sarah .


A week after buying these flowers for work,
they are absolutely beautiful. The tiny
blossoms really opened over time.


Grocery Shopping

Since we don't have any Fareway Stores in CA,
this is where we buy most of our groceries.
It's within walking distance of our home.


Portrait of a princess

A little girl came to get some pictures taken, and she brought some of her dress up clothes with her.


Henry County Flooding

Today I drove over between Rome and Mt Pleasant to take pictures of the flooding in our area...
Oh, My !!
This is a corn field along Hwy 34
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Hummingbirds, Again :O)

I think I am in a rut... It seems that my pictures are either, birds, flowers, kittens,
scenery, or clouds......
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Here I Come !

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Playing with CB (Cry Baby)

Ryan and Reed came over last Wed. night and stayed until Thursday Evening.
They really enjoyed playing with the kittens.
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