deer hunting
>> Thursday, June 24, 2010
the night we picked gooseberries, we saw so many deer on the country roads, but this is the only one who would stand for having his photo taken,
the night we picked gooseberries, we saw so many deer on the country roads, but this is the only one who would stand for having his photo taken,
All of these photos were taken on our drive this afternoon. We left Grand Rapids, MI around 2pm and arrived in Columbus, OH around 7pm. We will leave tomorrow around 1pm to be home in time for a 7pm missionary commissioning service at our church. Brian has a quick training class to take while the kids and I hopefully visit the popular local zoo. A very short, but colorful adventure.
-jenni cederquist
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When my in laws get together all my MIL's siblings (there were 6 but there are now only 5) all sing. Their father had a gospel quartet and he taught them all to sing. Uncle Larry hadn't played the guitar with them since back when my hubby was a child but Aaron brought his out and I caught this shot.
This is yesterday's post. Not a great quality picture, but this was my day yesterday. My middle son has had a high fever for a couple of days, so we watched movies ("Toy Story II" here) while he rested on the couch.
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