. day 52 .
A rose by any other name
One of my roses blooming before the Japanese beetles start destroying them!
Green Grass
How obvious, I know. So, I thought we'd introduce the ever present "green grass" with a little flare...a bubble flare! Jim and Josefine were playing with bubbles today, and since bubbles wouldn't exactly fit into a color category (unless I were attempting "clear" for one of my color challenges), I thought that the grass should enjoy a little time in the limelight...as common place as it may be the bubbles, and Josefine's reaching to pop one, sure makes it extraordinary!
Green Hose
A fun summertime activity...playing in the water! Today was an exceptionally hot day where we are (the desert of Washington State), so we thought some water fun was in order! But, instead wading around in pool water, we thought it'd be fun to see how Josefine took to the hose. She had a pretty fun time...sticking her finger into the spout and making the water spray all over her! Looks like we found ourselves a new summertime toy!
Green Leaves
One of Josefine's favorite pastimes (can a 1 year old have a pastime?) is pointing at trees and saying "Wassat?" and I always answer "Tree!" It's become a fun game we like to play on walks and while we're playing outside. But, it never occured to me that I could answer her "Leaves!" And maybe that's why she keeps asking...she's thinking, "No, Mama...I'm wondering what those little green things are that hang from the tree!" Haha...well, I'll probably never know. But, it's a fun game nonetheless.