Our Church Building

>> Sunday, July 18, 2010

This is a side view of our church. We enjoy serving God here by
teaching the preschool Sunday school class every week.


. day 61 .

. the product of my editing all day saturday . i have so much fun making my discs look like little presents . it looks like a summery christmas .


. day 60 .

. nothing interesting, because i forgot about taking a photo until about 10 pm . so, this was the only light on in the whole place so i took a photo of it . i edited all day yesterday and this table next to the couch held everything i might possibly need . and more .


. day 59 .

. a long time ago michael took a photo of brooke's eye, and her bangs were swooping over just right and everything . he even took this killer photo with his cell phone . it was awesome, i've tried to do the same thing with my camera and eye often and never succeed . so, another attempt, another fail . i do like this one, it's just not as cool as micahel's .


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