>> Thursday, May 27, 2010
took this photo while on vacation in March..its so pretty, wanted to share it.
took this photo while on vacation in March..its so pretty, wanted to share it.
I love that every morning the whole school says the Pledge together! This is the class I am subbing long-term for this year. They are a very good class! I am enjoying it so much!
Ok...so, I've just jumped on the 90 Day Photo Project Band"Wagon!" Ha! ...and decided to give myself a theme and purpose to work with...something to motivate me and keep me consistent. I'll be posting a picture each day focused on a color...I was inspired by my good friend Roy G. Biv and WB...for white and brown. I needed 9 colors, you see, so I could do 10 pictures of each color. THEN, I'll hopefully be putting together a "Color Book" for Josefine from my photos.
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