
>> Sunday, June 13, 2010

What could play the role of "orange" better guessed it, an ORANGE!

We're on the road now, and we got as far as Council Bluffs with a little car issue. Only to find that our car seems to be "bluffing" it's condition (electrical connection...we hope). It, too, must realize what a long trip we have ahead of us. So...we're chillin' in front of an empty shop at the Mall of the Bluffs after a visit with Grandma while Jim checked out the car. It's perfectly normal to see us using an orange as a ball for playtime (hey - ya gotta get creative on the road, folks). It's even more normal to see me taking pictures of it. *wink*

Poor Josefine realized not long after this shot, that orange rinds are a little bitter.



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